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Our top books for 2019
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Charles Daniels Jr.
Academic Advisor, University of Memphis, Author of Faith for the Day
“Urban ACEs equips administrators, teachers, and students alike to navigate the challenges of working in and matriculating through an academic system that has typically overlooked the dysfunction found in inner city homes. The scholarly and experiential approach taken by Dr. Matthews in writing this book provides credibility for administrators while remaining relatable to students who have endured adverse childhood experiences.”
Dr. Reginald Leon Green
Former Leadership Department Chair, University of Memphis, Author, Practicing the Art of Leadership: A Problem Based Approach to Implementing the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders
“Here at last an honest and compassionate educator places his head, heart and hands into practices that will enhance the lives of urban students who are traumatized by adverse childhood experiences. Dr. Matthews has added to the literature an insightful guide for use by school leaders who seek to make a difference in the lives of children of all levels.”
TN State Representative, G.A. Hardaway
Sr., Chairman, TN Black Caucus of State Legislators, Visionary and Cofounder of the Memphis Academy of Health Sciences Middle and High Schools
“Finally, the defining work on ACEs that educators in the classroom and lawmakers on Capitol Hill have been awaiting. Dr. Matthews has provided the Swiss Army Knife of ACEs literature that enables educators and advocates to address the unique challenges of building better children from youth who’ve been emotionally fractured and physically broken by the devastating impacts of the worst environments. I’m better equipped, now, to create educational opportunities that work for the children burdened by the weight of ACEs.”
Erin R. Harrington
Licensed Master Social Worker, (LSSW) Licensed School Social Worker, (MHP) Mental Health Professional (MHP), Adjunct Professor, University of Memphis, School of Social Work
“ACEs have been identified, studied, treated and prescribed antidotal interventions, yes! Dr. Matthews has also created a functional, relatable and strategic road map to reaching, teaching and empowering students to their personal healing from ACEs-related traumas. What an extraordinary tool to champion for students who are subconsciously or diligently seeking their truths. I am inspired and hopeful about the trajectories and futures of students, educators, and communities that will benefit from Dr. Matthews’ heart work.”
Jason Ingram
JD, MA, MSW, CEO, Will to Health
“Dr. Matthews has masterfully woven together a very powerful, thought-provoking autobiographical sketch rich with education and mental health themes into a practical and informative tapestry of knowledge for educators to better engage in trauma-informed care. Undoubtedly, Urban ACEs adds to the literary examination and analysis in trauma in education and should be required academic reading in universities across the US.”
Neshellda Johnson
“In Urban ACEs, Dr. Matthews eloquently offers strategies in addressing students with adverse childhood experiences from a trauma-informed approach. Through the utilization of personal experience, we see a level of sentiment that is critical for educational practitioners when supporting childhood trauma. This is definitely every teacher’s must have!”
Dr. Dan Lattimore
Ph.D., Professor, College of Professional and Liberal Studies, Retired Dean, College of Professional and Liberal Studies
“Dr. Marcus Matthews’ book, Urban ACEs, provides an outstanding guide for supporting children and youth who are facing traumatic life situations. He has the perfect resume for the suggestions he provides having grown up in a difficult situation in Memphis and finding education as a key to successfully navigating his way into a better situation. Chapters on “find good friends, develop a strong work ethic, and make a way out of no way” are especially useful guides for teachers, counselors or others who are trying to help young people dealing with trauma. It should be required reading for urban school teachers.”
Nicole Makeda
M.Ed, JD, In-house corporate legal counsel at Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
“With Urban ACEs, Dr. Matthews has outlined a framework that is effective not just for helping traumatized students. His ten strategies for managing adverse childhood experiences are easy for students and young professionals alike to implement. I recommend this book as an important step in empowering young people, especially new lawyers, to reach their full potential and not be limited by circumstances from their childhood that were beyond their control.”
Moe Nicole
MSW, M.Ed, Author of Live Out Loud
“Through his personal and professional reflections, Dr. Matthews is able to connect the reader to the realities surrounding adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in relation to child academic and social development. This book is highly recommended for educators who are seeking to gain stronger relationships with their students and identify ways to implement a trauma-informed classroom. I thank Dr. Matthews for his transparency by sharing his first-hand experience with trauma as a way to connect the reader to the content. As stated, “There is no excuse powerful enough to stop your student from doing what they set their heart and mind to do. They simply need your support.” The best way to give that support is by being trauma-informed. Our students need us to show up for them.”
Dr. Richard Potts
Director of Instructional Leadership, Christian Brothers University
“Dr. Matthews, or Marcus as I know him, takes a brave and undaunted approach of “exposing” and “blaming,” usually himself, on his personal journey and detailing the trauma of ACE’s. Sharing his personal testimony asserts his credibility and provides a profound and necessary approach to saving our current and future children – giving them a real “focus” to share. Marcus’ story puts an ‘F’ on ACEs – making every step in support come alive.”
Commodore C. Primous Sr.
Retired Elementary School Principal, Project Manager, Director, Effective Practice Incentive Community, Memphis City Schools
Urban ACEs is a must read for anyone who is truly committed to the development of students traumatized by ACEs. The author does an excellent job of sharing real life experiences that shaped his life and influenced his development. The 10 points (chapters) shared in his book create an excellent template for districts, administrators and teachers to help students with ACEs develop into productive, contributing individuals in spite of their negative childhood experiences. As the author stated, “The load is heavy, but the rewards are worthwhile.”
Dr. Roderick Richmond
Executive Director, Student Support Services, Shelby County Schools
“Dr. Matthews’ testimonies and strategies are poignant and very relatable for urban stakeholders. The release of Urban ACEs comes at a perfect time to assist school districts with this issue.”
Torrey Singleton
Ed.S, Former Principal and Special Education Advocate
“In Urban ACEs, Dr. Matthews provides a detailed and transparent account of his personal traumatic experiences as a child and teen. He credits trauma-informed care for his ability to overcome those environmental obstacles and maximize the positive educational outlets that were available which led to success far above and beyond the adverse experiences that he had once faced.”
Casaundra M. Smith
Assistant Principal, Jefferson County Public Schools
“I don’t know the last time I read a book that made me cry, then turned around and taught me a lesson on how to deal with the problem presented. Working in a Title I school, I see many of the situations mentioned in Urban ACEs. I recommend this book for every educator working with students who have experienced trauma or work in an urban school district. Urban ACEs also explains the impact an educator can have on a child’s life.”
Dr. Patrick Washington
Executive Director, Man Up Teacher Fellowship
“Dr. Matthews’ ability to address the issue of adolescent trauma, its impact and practical ways in which educators can overcome in their classroom is unparalleled. This book is a game changer!”
Dr. Bobby White
Founder/CEO Frayser Community Schools
“This unique look into the authors personal life is a fascinating and thoughtful tool to support educators with students who are experiencing similar challenges and provides a roadmap to successfully overcome them.”
Charles E. Williams, Jr.
Emmy Award Winner and Content Producer, CBS, Charles Plus Creative / WEG Media Group
“We are not teaching children how to deal with emotions from their past, so they do not have a clue how to journey through their current situations. Dr. Matthews has given us the tools beautifully written in his new book Urban ACEs. Adults spend a lifetime trying to correct what happened in their childhoods and Matthews presents a blueprint on how to help our children with behavior issues past and present. His book is a must read for parents, mentors or anyone dealing with children. The journey to manhood or womanhood is hard; now it does not have to be ‘as hard’ because of the tools presented in Urban ACEs.”
Jim Willis
Former Editor & President, Birmingham Post-Herald
“When I first met Marcus Matthews, he was working toward becoming an ace newspaper reporter. A shift in priorities led him to teaching others to write on a university level and, ultimately, to secondary school teaching and administration. Marcus, whose childhood experiences gave him a high ACE score, is one of those people who recognizes opportunity where some see only problems. His vision, experiences and scholarship paved the way for this guidebook. Marcus is an example of overcoming adversity and this guidebook delineates a path from despair to success.”
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